Welcome to our very first employee feature! We love our team at the Inlet, so we will be featuring them weekly!
First up, two Inlet icons that came with the building: Lisa and Dave!
Lisa and Dave both worked at the property before it became the Inlet, and are requested by regulars every day!
NAME: Dave
HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU WORKED AT THE INLET?: From day 1 (+6 years prior)
FAVORITE MENU ITEM?: It might be making me a kid, but chicken tenders
FAVORITE MENU BEVERAGE?: I like a good old fashioned lemonade
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?: I love hanging out in my back yard
WHAT IS A GOAL YOU HAVE FOR 2020?: To serve our customers normally again and have a great time
NAME: (Princess) Lisa
HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU WORKED AT THE INLET?: I came with the building, I have worked here for 20 years.
FAVORITE MENU ITEM?: I really love the salmon
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?: I like going to the beach
WHAT IS A GOAL YOU HAVE FOR 2020?: to get rid of masks and actually see our customers faces!
THE INLET IS OPEN DAILY 9 AM-3 AM with outdoor seating, live entertainment, dinner specials and happy hour.